
Should I run the bathroom fan while showering?

Top Answer: Yes, always (50% of 34 votes).
Should I run the bathroom fan while showering?
Yes, always
In most cases
In some cases
No, never
Not sure

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Updated on December 29, 2015


Comments From Our Pros

Answer: Yes, always
Explanation: This is the peak time to remove moisture
Construct Boss
Answer: Not sure
Explanation: It may help with moisture
Misija construction
Answer: In most cases
Explanation: Running your exhaust fan while you are in the shower can help the bathroom stay dry and reduce the amount of moisture build-up in the bathroom. ... Run the exhaust fan for 20 minutes after your bath and shower to make sure that the entire bathroom is dry. It is best not to keep the bathroom door closed during this time.
iDesign Interiors, LLC
Answer: Not sure
Explanation: what a question , you can do whatever you want
Answer: No, never
Explanation: Not recommended. But it could be done.
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